18 September 2011


Today someone I have huge respect for called me an aerialist. That was incredibly cool.

I attended a Creating Circus intensive week at MAH in August and ended up with a reasonable semblence of a routine. So now I'm being faced with the scariest of all things: opportunities to achieve my goals and dreams. The only thing stopping me now is me.

I have a Christmas Show at my aerial school that I'm planning to perform at AND there are two other shows that may give me the opportunity to perform this year. The first one is a charity show on 8th October and there's going to be a variety of acts performing: pole dancing, street dance, fire breathing and some aerial. Looking at the lineup, it scares me that it's just going to be little old me on that trapeze for over 3 mins. It would be nice to have an ensemble to hide in. This is what I wanted though - the chance to perform.

While I work on my goals, I'm trying ever so hard to avoid being a pushy mother as I introduce my girls to the world of circus arts. My 2 year old had her first ever circus class today and while she loved all the floor exercises, I think she was even more keen on the aerial. At the end of class, I was a bit cheeky and went into catchers on a reasonably high trapeze so that I could swing her in some fledgling beats. The grin on her face afterwards was fantastic. Tomorrow I get to do it all over again with my other (5 year old) daughter in her class :)

05 August 2011

Offline reading

I've been trying to get into Google+ recently but it's been a bit of an uphill struggle.  You see, I like my phone, my Nexus S. It's an actual Google phone!  However the Google+ app is making it difficult for me.  No offline reading.  No sharing.  It's really not much use.  I am longing for Tweetdeck to start supporting G+.  Anyway, this got me into some ranting at work about offline reading.  What are good apps that let you read offline?  What are good apps that let you store links to read when you get back online?  Since I commute in London by tube, using my phone offline is big deal.   So I've now installed an Instapaper client and it covers both issues.  If I'm reading tweetdeck on the tube and want to follow a link, I can save it to Instapaper instead and read it later.  It sounds so tiny but it's a huge relief to finally have a system for something that bugs me EVERY day.
In summation :

Dear Google Plus Android App Developers,

We are not always online.  There are tubes.  There are high mobile data costs. There are poor Wi-Fi scenarios.  Poor mobile coverage scenarios. Please add offline capability before we give up altogether.   Be part of the solution,  not the problem.


15 March 2011

Starting a routine

I've been in a bit of a funk recently so this is when I get slightly obsessive about my trapeze routines. Recently we've focussed on skills training in class but now that we have some lovely sequences put together, I'm inspired to work on a routine again.
This is where my OCD kicks in: choosing music.  I am at a slight disadvantage in that I have no brief, no client, no show to aim for.  The music shapes what kind of routine I build but I don't know what routine might get me closer to my goal of a paying trapeze gig.
So first stop You Tube for ideas and inspiration. I have 3 favourites at the moment:
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tyhv2F22GI
Liza Rose in 'Studio: Morning'
A modern dance trapeze piece with beautiful music. I've bought the track and find myself listening to it often. This is what I aspire to: cool moves seamlessly merged into movement around the bar and ropes.
2. (You Tube won't give me the link on my mobile)
Sofia Tsola trapeze act
Seamless beautiful artistic trapeze where every movement is precise and controlled.
3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wouFh6H5euE
Cameron McHenry
Fun exciting burlesque-style routine with upbeat music. 

So I'm drawn to 2 styles.  The fun burlesque style is more likely to work in gigs and events in London that I could potentially perform at.  After searching for music in that style, I have a track I could use.
The more fluid modern dance style is what I really want to perfect but I don't have any dance training or copious amounts of experimentation time to help me work out the minute detail in such a routine. It would take months.  I've continued to ponder it anyway and have thought hard about what would make a routine like that work for me.  The music is key and I've eventually decided that it has to be music that moves me, something that has meaning for me rather than just choosing a track with a beat that is easy to choreograph to.  There are 2 Craig Armstrong tracks currently fighting it out to win my heart.

So now I have to decide: more  commercial routine or more self indulgent dance piece? Ideally I could work on both but I have very limited time and would like to have at least one finished piece in the next few months.  Any aerialists out there with words of advice?

04 February 2011

A month of healthy living

It feels like only yesterday that I made the firm decision to be healthier. I'm still doing EA Sports Active 2 (EASA2), though there was a week of feeling under the weather that made me drop 4 workouts. By the end of that week I wasn't feeling brilliant but I did a workout anyway and found that it actually helped me get my oomph back.

I've only been using stairs at work, except for one last minute meeting on the fifth floor that I didn't have time to walk to. I've got a fruit bowl on my desk that I fill at the start of the week with enough fruit for 3 portions of my 5 a day for the week. I've reduced my portion sizes - something that I realised I should do after reading Kate Driskell's blog. I've started buying tasty salad (Watercress, Rocket, Baby Spinach) for adding to pasta and sandwiches. I even brought my own lunch in to work once this week. That's the first time I've ever done that in the last 16 years!

After this week's trapeze class, I felt really motivated to continue to improving and I ordered New York City Ballet workout DVDs when I got home. I'm going to be working on kick ass extension in my legs to improve my hanging beats. The ballet will help with my strength and posture for a lot of my trapeze work and the kids might join in too.

I probably shouldn't bother noticing but there's a weekly 'weigh-in' with EASA2 and it cheers me up when I notice a small steady drop in my weight each week. It would be so nice to be under that overweight BMI line for a change. Less of me to haul around the trapeze would be great too. I'm aiming for a healthy weight (76kg) by Easter and if I do really well and get there much sooner, I'll change my goal to be my 'ideal weight' (69kg) - though it would probably blow my mind to achieve that.

Someone hauled out a fully loaded biscuit tin earlier today. Hob Nobs and Rich Tea just aren't worth it! I'd rather have a clementine than waste a workout burning calories I got from a biscuit. It amazes me how many calories are in food compared to how few calories I burn with a good workout.

12 January 2011

New Year me

I'm not one for New Year's resolutions. January 1st is just another day to me and I don't see what all the fuss is about. I do, however, have post-Christmas plans to get fitter and healthier. All that chocolate and excess needs to be kept to a short holiday period or it'll just take over.

I want to improve my aerial skills and that means getting stronger and fitter. I only really have time for one weekday session at MAH so I've been looking for a solution for additional training and exercise that fits in with my time constraints. There are lots of possibilities...

Cycling to work - I enjoy it but it takes too long when you factor in changing, showering, locking bike up etc. Also, I don't like cycling in the dark and it's genuinely too cold at the moment. When daylight returns in mid-March, I'll look into this option again.

Lunch-time gym sessions - I can join a gym at work for £19 a month and it has a machine that would let me work on chin-ups etc. I doubt I'd go though. I kinda hate gyms. I usually don't have a lunch break because getting the kids to school and nursery and picking them up eats into my time too much for me to have the luxury of a full one hour lunch break. In an ideal world, the gym would be my easy option but realistically I'd be one of those gym members who pays and never goes. I'd rather save my money.

Gym after work - I looked around for gyms that I could go to once the kids are in bed and was shocked by the lack of reasonable options. The average cost is about £50 a month and they tend to shut by about 10pm. This costed itself out of the running.

Home exercise - I considered this to be a non-starter because I don't enjoy exercise DVDs or exercising while watching TV. Then I bought hubby EA Sports Active 2 for the PS3 for his birthday last week (he *did* really want it!) and we've started doing workouts while the kids are in bed. I'm amazed at how much I enjoy it. There's a heart rate monitor and the exercises in each workout so far have been varied enough to keep me interested. Last night focussed on upper body strength - YAY! I plan to do 4 workouts a week and there's enough trophies and goals and online tracking to maintain my enthusiasm. My 9 week plan ends in March, which seems a long way off, but I'm curious to see what results I can achieve in that time so I hope I stick with it.

My other endeavours in my fitness kick are "leaving the building at lunchtime" and "using the stairs". I've started using Tescos for my lunches so that saves money and varies my diet to be healthier. I've also stopped using the lifts at work. The furthest I've gone so far is to the third floor. Woe betide anyone who books a meeting with me on the top floor this week!

Tonight is my static class night and I'm hoping that there's some vague strength and fitness improvements since last week. I should probably start doing chin up challenges in class to gauge my progress. The day I can do an unassisted chin up from a fully extended hang will be an awesome day in my life. Hmmm, I've ended up with strange goals in life.