10 July 2012

Getting on the mat

Over the last month, I've been dedicating myself to establishing a home yoga practice.  It has been a lot easier than expected and I guess that's a result of things I've learnt over the last few years:

  • Just start.  This is a lesson from trapeze class.  Even if you don't feel like doing it and even if in your current state of mind you think you won't want to continue, just take the steps to start.  Whether that's walking into a class or rolling out a mat at home, most of the time you will be glad you did and will be transformed by your practice.
  • No cheating, do it right!  Again, a lesson from trapeze I am now applying to yoga.  In an egotistic bid to be excellent at everything, it's easy to fudge correct form in order to look impressiveOver the last year I've made a committment to learn correct technique so that I can improve in the long term.  In yoga this means I've rejected my prop snobbery and embraced anything that will help me achieve the correct technique, even if it looks or feels like a step back.
  • Plan and be realistic.  I have a busy life filled with other people's lives and priorities.  I worried about how I'd be able to commit to a daily home practice.  However I found a perfect time for it in my day and most days it works really well.  On the days where I don't get on my mat, I allow myself to be imperfect.  I give myself a clean slate and try harder to not miss a day.
  • Be present.  I commit myself to the present task and honour the time allocated to it.  I don't let the past (transport issues, late arrival, work/home stresses) encroach on this precious time and I stop myself from thinking about the future.
  • Be you!   Over the years I've worked out how I operate best and what makes me happy.  A gorgeous notebook, a detailed plan with every eventuality explored, time spent thinking about what I'm trying to achieve and what success will look like when I'm finished, 'next actions' to focus me on achieveable steps.  I enjoy the process because I'm doing it my way.