18 September 2011


Today someone I have huge respect for called me an aerialist. That was incredibly cool.

I attended a Creating Circus intensive week at MAH in August and ended up with a reasonable semblence of a routine. So now I'm being faced with the scariest of all things: opportunities to achieve my goals and dreams. The only thing stopping me now is me.

I have a Christmas Show at my aerial school that I'm planning to perform at AND there are two other shows that may give me the opportunity to perform this year. The first one is a charity show on 8th October and there's going to be a variety of acts performing: pole dancing, street dance, fire breathing and some aerial. Looking at the lineup, it scares me that it's just going to be little old me on that trapeze for over 3 mins. It would be nice to have an ensemble to hide in. This is what I wanted though - the chance to perform.

While I work on my goals, I'm trying ever so hard to avoid being a pushy mother as I introduce my girls to the world of circus arts. My 2 year old had her first ever circus class today and while she loved all the floor exercises, I think she was even more keen on the aerial. At the end of class, I was a bit cheeky and went into catchers on a reasonably high trapeze so that I could swing her in some fledgling beats. The grin on her face afterwards was fantastic. Tomorrow I get to do it all over again with my other (5 year old) daughter in her class :)