15 February 2012

Injury time

I've been taking hoop classes in addition to my trapeze classes this year and I love getting to know a new piece of apparatus.  Perhaps a bit too much.

Last week, before my trapeze class started, I got a hoop out and started to play around during my warmup time.  I had done a very quick warmup so that I'd have time.  This was big mistake number 1.  Mistake number 2 was deciding, after having had only 2-3 hoop classes, to play around and improvise.  I stupidly flung my head back and pulled something.  It was ok, as long as I only looked down or straight ahead.  I spent the rest of my trapeze class tentatively exploring my range of motion and planning my recovery (heatpacks, pain killers, no "bed rest").  I've hurt my neck before so knowing what to do was reassuring.

Did you know how much you use the muscles in your neck?  Every time you move around in bed, your neck muscles help your head turn or just get comfy.  I didn't really sleep well for the first couple of nights after my injury.  Eating in restaurants is difficult.  The staff probably thought I was being rude when I didn't turn my head to look at them.  Also, it's tricky to speak to a group of people when you can't easily turn to see them.

I don't know how people with chronic pain get by.  I knew that if I sensibly dealt with my injury, the effects would be short term.  The constant pain was still frustrating and annoying though.  I wanted to rest but sitting still is the opposite of what my neck needs.

Five days after the trapeze class, I had my next hoop class and I felt that I'd gained enough range of movement to be able to go.  They have a great led warmup at Flying Fantastic so I knew I'd be properly warmed up for the class. (I must remember to do that same warmup for trapeze class!)  I made sure that the class co-ordinator and class teacher knew about my injury.  For each move we did on the hoop, I evaluated whether I should do it or sit it out.  Everything was being clearly explained and demonstrated so I was confident with what I was safe to do.  I ended up with 2 new hoop moves and had great fun in the class.

Lessons learned:
  1. Always do a proper warmup before touching the kit
  2. Don't play or experiment until you really know what you're doing and can be safe.
  3. I don't like having a sore neck.  I'm crossing 'neck hang' off my wishlist.

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